Anchored Soul
Sync into Art, Energy and Intuition

Art Healing Discovery Session
If you’re sitting there feeling intrigued or inspired to start your art healing journey, but don’t have the vision to get it started or even the motivation to really get it going, then it's a good thing you know me!
This is a complimentary 30 minute 1:1 discovery session where I will act as your intuitive art coach! I will help you read and interpret your energetic needs while giving you inspiration to get started on your art healing journey! I am not here to teach you- I will encourage YOU to be an active participant in your own healings, through art. My goal is for you to feel empowered and motivated to actively explore the possibilities of tapping into your creativity by connecting with your mind, body and soul!
Being your intuitive art coach, I can give you that extra layer of healing and support as you put the work in, and I would be honored to be on this journey with you!
Please be sure to check out the ANCHORED ArtFlow ACADEMY section of my website to learn about the exciting benefits to an Art Healing Journey!